Powers of attorney
Accentor wills also offer Lasting Powers of Attorney. We can draft and submit the forms to the office of the Public Guardian so that your finances or health matters can be dealt with by your attorney (anyone you wish to nominate).
Although the idea behind giving a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is simple, the forms and process is far from simple! Accentor Wills can professionally draft and apply for your LPA.
Who should take an LPA?
It is commonly thought that the elderly benefit the most from having an LPA. The opposite is probably true. If you lose the capacity to look after your finances, then your bank accounts and assets should be frozen. This can leave your partner, spouse or family with real issues to get access to important funds for you. Even joint accounts must be frozen if one person loses capacity. This can have dramatic consequences from missed payments to losing your good credit. If you need to see how dramatic the effects can be, just Google this issue to see how people have suffered as a result of not having this power in place.
For the elderly, it is of course more likely that capacity will be lost due to old age issues such as dementia or bad health. Having a power of attorney will allow your family to keep things in order. Accentor Wills can make sure everything is in place.
A special LPA for health matters can also be created and this is vital if you want to give someone the power to make decisions that could allow you to be kept alive, or not. Health LPA's must be created separately from financial LPA's and we can you to put these in place.
Enduring Power of Attorney
If you have an unregistered enduring power of attorney, we can register these for you. They can no longer be created but if you have an unregistered EPA then we can help you activate it.